Note: Consult a nutritionist or a doctor before taking up this diet as it requires a drastic dip in calorie consumption.

The 1000 Calorie Diet Chart (Sample Plan)

This 1000 calorie diet chart is a sample menu that can be followed by anyone who wants to lose weight drastically. The plan may vary based on your weight and physical activity. Consult a doctor or a dietitian to adjust it according to your body’s requirements.

Variation 1

Total Calorie Intake – 1008

Useful Tip – You can also have green tea in the morning instead of a detox drink. Green tea has 0 calories. A study done on mice states that it is rich in the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that has an anti-obesity effect (2).

Variation 2

Total Calorie Intake – 1024

Variation 3

Total Calorie Intake – 1050

Video – Expert Speaks About 1000 Calorie Diet

In this video, StyleCraze’s in-house diet expert speaks about the 1000-calorie diet. She provides a complete picture of what is good for dieters who want to try the 1000-calorie diet. Watch this video to know more:

What To Eat

The selection of foods for a 1000-calorie diet should be done carefully to create a healthy menu that will get you the desired results.

The 1000-calorie diet plan should incorporate foods that are rich in vitamin B, proteins, and fiber, normally found in wheat foods and enzymes. The diet demands a reduction in whole food types, like carbs or trans fats, as your body requires nutrition to improve overall health. Calcium can be included by taking low-fat milk and green vegetables. Do not ignore fruits and vegetables. Fruits like oranges, cantaloupes, kiwi, pears, strawberries, and numerous other berries that offer minimal calories can be used in salads. Green veggies like spinach, celery, zucchini, broccoli, and artichokes are rich in vitamins and minerals besides being low-calorie ingredients. A single portion of cabbage contains just 35 calories but is pretty rich in nutritional fiber. Apart from this, vegetables like cucumber, celery, and eco-friendly peppers have high water content.

4. What Not To Eat

Here is the list of foods you should absolutely avoid when you are on the 1000-calorie diet:

Fats And Oils – Coconut oil, groundnut oil, walnut oil, palm oil, avocado oil, lard, and other animal fat oil, butter, peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, cheese, cream cheese, and ghee. Seeds And Nuts – Hazelnuts, cashew nuts, watermelon seeds, walnuts, pine nuts, desiccated coconut, peanuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio, and chia seeds. Dry Fruits – Dates, prunes, dried currants, apricots, figs, and cranberries. Fruits, Veggies, And Legumes – Avocado, mango, litchi, chiku, custard apple, potato, corn, lima beans, and soybeans. Proteins – Beef, pork, lamb, and tofu.

Grocery List

Before creating a 1000-calorie diet plan, you need to make your kitchen healthy. Plan your grocery list beforehand. Here is a list of items that you need to stock up on before you start this diet:

As it is a low-carb plan, limit buying any grains. Seafood, fish, and lean protein like chicken breast. Pulses and legumes. Seasonal colorful fruits and vegetables. Low-fat milk and dairy products. Spices and condiments to boost your metabolism.

The 1000 Calorie Diet Recipe

You can control your calorie intake per day, but that does not mean you have to eat boring food. Make your meals exciting and tasty using seasonal veggies, meat, and spices available in the supermarket, but with a twist.

1. Lettuce Taco With Yogurt Sauce

2 fresh lettuce leaves 1/2 cucumber 1/2 cucumber 1/2 red and yellow bell peppers 1 tomato 1/2 skinless chicken breast 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 jalapeno 100 g yogurt A handful of cilantro 1 teaspoon chili flakes A pinch of salt A pinch of pepper

If you are a vegetarian, instead of chicken, you can add carrots, stir-fried broccoli florets, and button mushrooms.

The skinless chicken breast is low in calories and a good source of protein, iron, and polyunsaturated fat (3). Cucumbers are super low in calories. They are good sources of vitamins C and A, magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium (4). The colorful bell peppers are rich in vitamins C and A, potassium, dietary fiber, and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and iron (5). Lettuce leaves are low in calories and a good source of vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium (6). Yogurt is a good source of good gut bacteria that help in digestion (7).

2. Delicious Vegan Ribbons Salad

1 zucchini 1 carrot 1 tomato A handful of spinach 1 tablespoon of sesame oil Juice of half a lemon A few coriander leaves A pinch of salt and black pepper

You can add 2-3 thin slices of turkey bacon to this salad.

Zucchini is a low-calorie food and a good source of vitamins C, B6, and A. It has a good amount of potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber, and iron (8). Carrots are very rich in vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber (9). Spinach has a good amount of vitamins A, C, and B6. It is also a good source of magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, and dietary fiber (10).

Role Of Exercise When On The 1000-Calorie Diet

Exercising is a healthy habit. However, the 1000-calorie diet is a low-calorie diet plan for you to lose weight quickly. That is why rigorous exercising is not recommended when you are on this diet. Here’s what you can do:

Go for a medium-paced walk for 30 minutes daily. Do some stretching exercises to improve blood circulation.

You can try low-impact exercises that burn calories without causing any pain in the joints and muscles.

Caution:If you feel weak after exercising, consult a doctor and stop working out.

Benefits Of The 1000 Calorie Diet

The 1000 calorie diet is considered useful when it comes to burning calories at a fast rate as it is a low-calorie diet. This diet is apt if you intend to lose a few pounds quickly or pave the way for a long-term weight loss plan.

The sample menu of this diet plan provides good nutrition when it is well-balanced. This diet primarily emphasizes the consumption of fruits and vegetables as they have few calories and high content of water and fiber, which provides a feeling of fullness and prevents you from overeating. It is simple and easy to follow, encourages healthy eating, enables you to shed a few extra pounds, and boosts your confidence.

Side Effects Of The 1000 Calorie Diet

As it is a low-calorie diet, it lacks certain vital nutrients that provide energy to the body. Due to the lack of nutrition, this diet can cause dehydration, loss in muscle mass, lack of energy, slower heart rate, hair loss, and weaker nails. The drastic cut in calories lowers your metabolism. A lower metabolic rate results in rapid weight gain when the caloric intake is increased in the future (11). This diet is suitable for women who have a small frame. It is not considered suitable for men. It can be potentially dangerous for people who have well-built or athletic bodies. Starvation is another ill effect of this diet. Exhaustion resulting from the diet can make you susceptible to injuries. It can cause fatigue and loss of concentration and make you moody. It can cause insomnia.

What Should You Follow?

Note: As it is a low-calorie diet plan, you must consume multivitamin and mineral supplements along with vitamin D3. Always consult a doctor before taking any supplements. How many pounds can you lose if you go on a 1000-calorie diet? With a 1000-calorie diet, you can reduce up to 8% of your present weight. Every body type is different, so weight loss may vary from anywhere between 5 pounds to 10 pounds. What lean proteins can I have while on the 1000-calorie diet? You can have skinless chicken, turkey, fish, button mushrooms, and lentils. Avoid beans, tofu, beef, and pork. I weigh 250 lbs and want to lose weight quickly. Can I go on the 1000-calorie diet for a month? Depending on your body type, metabolic rate, genetics, age, and medical history, you need to follow a diet that will not harm your body in the long term. Exercising is a healthy option to start with. If you starve yourself, you will gain weight instead of losing it. Seek your doctor’s advice so that your calorie intake is reduced gradually. Can I lose weight without exercising if I am on the 1000-calorie diet? Since the 1000-calorie diet has way lesser calories than what you should normally intake, you can pretty much do without exercising. Do some stretching and medium-paced walks to maintain your blood circulation and muscle strength. I am a breastfeeding mother. Is the 1000-calorie diet right for me? If you are breastfeeding, it is not advisable to go on a low-calorie diet. You should consult your doctor or dietitian to know whether you can go on a low-calorie diet so soon. Can I have a cheat day while on the 1000-calorie diet? Yes, you can. Make sure you eat in less portions. This will help you the next day. If you eat about 2000 calories (or more), and the next day you want to fast, that is not an option and is not recommended at all. Once a week, you can have slightly more than 1000 calories, say 1300-1400 calories. Nullify the effect by sticking to the diet and drinking green tea at least twice a day for the next two days.